We have managed to find an abandoned apartment to stay in whilst I am here. I hope that the people who actually live here do not mind. I shall write a note to thank them that they shall find when they return, and explain to them that Archbishop Barraca stayed in their home to better fulfill his duties, and that, of course, their home and their possessions were respected. There was also a little food left behind, and I shall leave and ISK chip for them, as recompense.
Constantin is compiling his lists. There is still so much more to do, but I think my company makes the task a little easier. We spent the day together, and I assisted with as much as I could. I had already been up for some time when he awoke this morning, spending time with some of the patients in the facility, talking to them, singing little songs, writing or reading letters. The children in particular were a delight. The poor souls, they have seen far too much tragedy for ones so young, and yet they are so resilient and bright as they still play their games and try to carry on with some sense of normality. Many of them are now orphaned, and I worry what shall become of them. Constantin as spoken of an Order named the Sisters of the Hearth, who look after abandoned and lost children. He suggests even that I might consider joining them. I wonder what such a benevolent Order would make of me, a PIE pilot, trained for war. Speaking of PIE, I did not wear my uniform today, just a simple traditional dress and headscarf. I think this made it much easier for people to relate to me - they have seen enough of uniforms and insignia.
There was one little girl in particular, a sweet delicate thing, with the brightest eyes. She did not speak a word, but she listened to my stories and songs. Constantin found her, the only survivor of her family. She had pretend to be dead, but she must have seen the terrible end of her kith and kin, even her parents. I weep when I think what such a beautiful, innocent child has been through. Constantin says that her only remaining relative, an aunt, has been contacted, and is on her way to Anath. I am glad that she will have someone she knows to keeo her safe, and yet, I cannot quite shake the thought that, had it been possible, I would have liked for Constantin and I to adopt her. I wonder why the thought is so strong?
I also helped My Darling consecrate a cemetary. Such sombre work, but necessary. All I had to do was follow the chants and prayers of the rite, and I was glad to have that to focus on, to take my mind away from the thought that our work would soon be put to its intended use, and soon the bodies would being to be buried. At first it seemed quite a large area, but when I took my last look at it, it appear to me to be worringly small for the amount of departed that must soon fill the entire plot.
Tomorrow will be the last day of my shore-leave, and I have no doubt it shall be filled with more solemn tasks. I will do all I can to leave some light and joy behind me, for all those noble souls who are helping, all the innocents affected, and, of course, most importantly, for My Beloved Constantin.
For tonight, I shall let him work undisturbed, though I shall remain close lest he need me for anything, and before it is too late I will make sure he gets a restful sleep. There are a few things I should collect from the main area whilst he works. Strangely, I have not seen Aldrith today, yet. I do so hope he has given up on whatever caused him to be so interested in Constantin and I.
I have just collected the items we needed, and met Miss Monakh. She mentioned something about Liana, but I did not quite follow what she meant, something about my having given her advice. Perhaps I will have time to talk to her about it another time. I also managed to continue to avoid Adrith, fortunately.
Constantin is still working, and if I do not stop him now, he will work until daylight. How fortunate for his constitution and health that he seems unable to resist my enticements to bed. I think we are both far too tired for anything other than sleep, of course!
You're where the Wild Things are...
An in-character blog set in the universe of EVE Online. These are the private diary entries of Lady Ekaterina Mariya deSilvestris, a minor Amarrian Noble and Capsuleer. Other existing characters within EVE will be referred to throughout, though any opinions and views expressed are those of this character. These entries may touch on or directly address mature themes such as violence, sexuality, race and ethnicity, and mental health. As noted, any views are those of the character.
Before we begin, I feel it important to say a few words on the subject of mental health. Ekaterina, or Ekat as many call her, is something of a troubled soul. This aspect of her character is a personal choice I have made, for very personal reasons. Although EVE is a game in which the players can immerse themselves to a greater or lesser degree as they wish, mental health is a very real issue for many people. Those two simple words cover a myriad different issues and concerns that affect people directly or indirectly every day all, over the world.
If you find yourself affected by any issues touched upon in these posts, or if you face your own troubles, please know that there are people out there you can turn to; doctors, friends, family - there is ALWAYS someone. If you are an EVE player, then Broadcast 4 Reps chat is available, staffed by wonderfully kind and good-hearted volunteers. If you know of someone who has mental health issues, then please just let them know you are there. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a smile, a cup of tea, a quick phone call about last night's game - just a little thing to show they aren't forgotten.
You Never Fly Alone.
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