You're where the Wild Things are...

An in-character blog set in the universe of EVE Online. These are the private diary entries of Lady Ekaterina Mariya deSilvestris, a minor Amarrian Noble and Capsuleer. Other existing characters within EVE will be referred to throughout, though any opinions and views expressed are those of this character. These entries may touch on or directly address mature themes such as violence, sexuality, race and ethnicity, and mental health. As noted, any views are those of the character.

Before we begin, I feel it important to say a few words on the subject of mental health. Ekaterina, or Ekat as many call her, is something of a troubled soul. This aspect of her character is a personal choice I have made, for very personal reasons. Although EVE is a game in which the players can immerse themselves to a greater or lesser degree as they wish, mental health is a very real issue for many people. Those two simple words cover a myriad different issues and concerns that affect people directly or indirectly every day all, over the world.

If you find yourself affected by any issues touched upon in these posts, or if you face your own troubles, please know that there are people out there you can turn to; doctors, friends, family - there is ALWAYS someone. If you are an EVE player, then Broadcast 4 Reps chat is available, staffed by wonderfully kind and good-hearted volunteers. If you know of someone who has mental health issues, then please just let them know you are there. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a smile, a cup of tea, a quick phone call about last night's game - just a little thing to show they aren't forgotten.

You Never Fly Alone.


How strange it seems to one moment be assisting the 601st in a covert insertion to begin Operation Snegovshchina, and the next to be stood next to Edward in the city of Rhamnus, laying a memorial wreath to those lost in the war against the Triglavians.  It was sweet of Edward to ask me to be there, and though I not naïve enough to think that there are not murmurs of dissent at the presence of an Amarrian noble at such a ceremony, let alone the names of fallen Amarrians on the monument itself, I do think it is a powerful symbol of how we can, at time, set aside our differences in the face of a mutual threat.

I should have returned immediately to the Empire, but I could not resist the temptation of the Grand Prix.  Admittedly, there was also the added thrill that my special dispensation to travel in Federation for the purpose of the Ceremony most certainly did not cover entering the race.  Federation security had no hope of catching me, and I thought I was making rather good time.  Until a rather unfortunate encounter in Saminer.  In all honesty I expected to fall afoul of someone lying in wait for racers far sooner.

I do not know whether it was the disorientation I always suffer when waking up in a clone or the adrenaline of the race - though why that would affect a clone I had just jumped to, I cannot fathom - but I slipped into the first fast ship I had.  That was foolish, as I had not fitted it for racing at all, and when I reached Auga for the same thing to happen again!  Well, I am still frustrated at myself for such a wasteful ship.  I am glad I was not on a time-trial, for I lost so much time in properly configuring yet another ship for speed that I would have lost any advantage I may have had.  I was most determined to finish, and finish I did.  How exhilarating.  I rather look forward to trying the Eastern Route next, now I have qualified for it.

I may have do deal with a small matter in Nakri here first, however.  Nauplius has incited a small disturbance, using labourers to cause damage to one of our new Gagana properties.  Agent provocateurs, no doubt, which is, I admit, rather ironic for our family.  Easily dealt with, of course.  I am sure Security Chief Sokolov is but moments away from arresting and interrogating the perpetrators.


I had hoped to strike a small blow against Nauplius in Tanoo, assisting in removing some minor facilities of his, but despite asking me to lend my help, it appears Aldrith was impatient to begin.  Still, one must not complain too much.  It is difficult for some people to overcome their breeding.

Fortunately, the journey was not entirely wasted.  I was able to visit Directrix Aspenstar, Luna, in Mehatoor, and have a personally guided tour of the LUMEN facilities there.  I must say the Empire is most blessed in having LUMEN on our side.  I know I am guilty of harbouring ill thoughts toward them in the past, but I am not so arrogant as to be unable to admit I was wrong in doing so.  Perhaps over time I have come to realise my personal philosophies align quite well with theirs, and I know I have much to thank them for.  Their medical facilities in particular breathed life into a hidden memory, though it was so vague and ephemeral that I could not even be sure it was true.

Oh! The Library!  Papa would be the picture of envy if he saw it, for it puts even our family collection to shame.  I should be most pleased to lose myself in there for as long as I may, even more so as that delightful Brother Theodosius is, if I recall Luna correctly, their new curator.  A most charming and erudite man, and a most consummate one for compliments.  He has a great interest in archaeology and exploration, and I am sure, should we be afforded the opportunity, we shall find much to talk together on.

Being in Mehatoor afforded one more convenience.  Approval was granted earlier today for operations against the enemy to begin.  I am happy to say that the 601st arrived in excellent time from Nakri, and I was able to give them the first briefing on the part we will play - Operation Snegovshchina.  It also removes both Ishta and Sasha from Nakri for a little while, keeping them from any troublesome summons from the MIO or Sarum Police, at least until Mama, Papa, Felix, and I can help in moving investigations in the right direction.  Papa's statement on Gagana is part of that.

All this does make me rather feel I would enjoy a pleasant distraction, of course.  Edward, as always, provides one with his calls.  He is taking part in this Federation Grand Prix, a time trial race around New Eden.  I am almost tempted to partake myself; or perhaps I shall just wait to give Edward a suitable prize when he is done.  I do wish him luck.


I should not have underestimate the impact of Nauplius' smear campaign against us.  Whilst pointing out that we represent everything that he, a heretic, believes to be wrong with the Empire hardly undermines our position, his moronic attempts to stir up some sort of resentment in Nakri have done nothing but attract the attention of Sarum Police Guards and Ministry of Internal Order agents.  That makes carrying out our intentions somewhat more difficult, though not impossible.  Indeed, I am sure there is some way we can turn this to our advantage.

They have performed raids on a number of facilities, though I am not currently aware of them finding anything significant; and unless they uncover some nest or other of Nauplius' lackeys, nor will they.  That said, of course, we must do everything we can to help, and I think Papa intends to offer such in the statement he is preparing.

Customs officers also intercepted one of Nauplius' unfortunate pawns.  Interestingly, aside from an amount of postage which, I am told, are more akin to some sort of indecent publication of sexual fantasy than any sort of effective propaganda, the man was fitted with a Transcranial Microcontroller.  Essentially little more than a mindless automaton, programmed by that simpleton.  To think I had credited him with intelligence that might be useful to us, regardless of his bizarre views!  Well, he shall be of use, just in a different way, perhaps by using his own tools against him.  Felix produces Microcontrollers for aid in the medical services here in Nakri, I wonder if we can come to the aid of this poor, abused wretch of a Brutor.  Show our strength through mercy and forgiveness, and that we recognise the difference between the master of these terrible transgressions against our people and those who are simply used and cast aside by him.

I have no idea if Nauplius even considers for a moment the Nadezhda movement, but he may, I believe, have just strengthened it.  I must remember to repay him.


Truly God blesses our family in the most mysterious and unexpected of ways.  I expect our efforts to undermine and weaken those vile Kovals will still take a long time to bear fruit, but to think that Nauplius, of all people, has potentially advanced our efforts by weeks, perhaps even months!

His ridiculous new campaign of Sedevacantism cannot be gaining any serious follows, and to extend his efforts to Nakri in an effort to besmirch our good name shows just how detached from reality he is.  A pity, really, I had much higher hopes for him.  However, he is still obviously with his uses, for if we can tie the Kovals to him in a way that is convincing then surely all support they have in the Court will simply disappear.  Who in their right mind wants to be associated with a movement so heretical and treasonous.

It does mean, of course, that we will need to also raise our profile amongst the people of Nakri.  More charitable work always engenders popularity amongst the lower classes, and our imminent takeover of Gagana will show that we care for the system's economy, which will doubtless meet with approval from the mercantile classes.  That leaves our own stratum.

A military venture will do the trick I expect.  That always receives nods of approval from the conservative and Old Guard factions, and it is they we need to impress.  Convenient that we have one coming up.  I had, however, hoped to keep either Ishta or Sasha out of it.  After seeing Sasha almost killed, I do not think Ishta has the mental stamina required to undertake operations with him, and I simply cannot afford to lose her to an emotional breakdown.  On the other hand, a little bit of visibility of them both undertaking brave service in the name of Empress and Empire might just be what we need to make sure that Nauplius efforts, unhinged as they are, are countered before even the smallest seed has the slightest chance to take hold.

We will, of course, have to address the matter of his posters that have been plastered all over the place.  I will speak to Papa about that.  The people adore my father and he has always had an easy way with words.  In the meantime, of course, there are other, less visible, means of getting hold of his lackeys.

At least he went to the effort of learning our language.  That is quite sweet, really.