Oh Liana! Sweet little innocent Liana! There is so much of life that she seems to not quite fully comprehend, but then, given her history, she is only still learning the things that she would likely have learned years ago in another life. The concept of dancing, it would seem, has become somewhat confused with concept of sexual intercourse, something which I do not think she is quite ready for, mentally at least. Apparently she has been conversing with Constantin on the former, and Heaven alone knows who has been engaging in conversation with her on the latter - though if I find out, there shall be stern words - and the result is a sweet, if slightly alarming, mix of the two ideas in her head. Improper dancing indeed! Oh, Liana, I have every mind to gather you up and install you in polite society where you belong. At least there I could keep an eye on you and keep you safe from the more predatory members of the capsuleer "community".
Perhaps I shall ask Constantin about taking her under our wing. I think it would be good for her, to have someone trustworthy and noble looking out for her.
You're where the Wild Things are...
An in-character blog set in the universe of EVE Online. These are the private diary entries of Lady Ekaterina Mariya deSilvestris, a minor Amarrian Noble and Capsuleer. Other existing characters within EVE will be referred to throughout, though any opinions and views expressed are those of this character. These entries may touch on or directly address mature themes such as violence, sexuality, race and ethnicity, and mental health. As noted, any views are those of the character.
Before we begin, I feel it important to say a few words on the subject of mental health. Ekaterina, or Ekat as many call her, is something of a troubled soul. This aspect of her character is a personal choice I have made, for very personal reasons. Although EVE is a game in which the players can immerse themselves to a greater or lesser degree as they wish, mental health is a very real issue for many people. Those two simple words cover a myriad different issues and concerns that affect people directly or indirectly every day all, over the world.
If you find yourself affected by any issues touched upon in these posts, or if you face your own troubles, please know that there are people out there you can turn to; doctors, friends, family - there is ALWAYS someone. If you are an EVE player, then Broadcast 4 Reps chat is available, staffed by wonderfully kind and good-hearted volunteers. If you know of someone who has mental health issues, then please just let them know you are there. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a smile, a cup of tea, a quick phone call about last night's game - just a little thing to show they aren't forgotten.
You Never Fly Alone.
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