It has been such an eventful day! Everything has been such a blur, and to think so much has happened in the space of only a few hours. I cannot begin to imagine what the rest of this week shall bring.
Constantin's surprise was to bring me here, to his home in Amran Sirrush. I have never been to this city before, and it is truly an amazing place. There are wonders everywhere, I can scarcely begin to describe them. The most remarkable thing is how wonderfully warm it is here. Of course, that is hardly a surprise given the city rises from the Vindaren desert, but I have never felt so warm in all my life. I would have expected it to be almost unbearable hot, and perhaps it may be come warmer months - I do not know what season it is here currently, I must ask Constantin - but at the moment it is pleasantly warm.
It is also so busy, throngs of people everywhere. I should think that the station at home probably has more people, but one simply never seems to see that many people at one time. I think that seeing the citizens of this place going about their daily business amongst the streets and markets, under the wonderfully blue sky makes it seem so much more populated. Perhaps I have just never noticed it back in Nakri, I am just so used to living on a station.
Oh, and how people looked! They pretended not to, but it was plain to see they were. They must have wondered who this strange pale woman was, walking arm in arm with the scion of the most important family in the city. The sight of us being greeted by the family's personal security was no doubt a highlight for them also.
I must admit, I found Constantin's uncle Praetus quite intimidating at first, and I thought he was going to chastise My Love quite severely, but it seems they have simply missed him. I felt so selfish - Constantin has so little time free from his duties, and I have hoarded it all. I think that Praetus at least holds no ill-will toward me for it, for he took us straight to the family's personal tailor, Beversi, where I was given the most exquisitely beautiful dress I have ever seen! They must be the finest creations in all Amarr, and they were for me! Truly they were not deserved, I am sure. The most beautiful I cannot wait to wear - red with gold wiring, and a creation not of Beversi, but of his assistant, Golnaz. Such a sweet looking girl and so young to have such skill. It can be nothing but a natural talent. I think I shall ask if I may commission Liana's new wardrobe from her. It shall fit her new station. I must say that I am rather selfishly pleased that as pretty as Liana is, Praetus and Beversi shall not say that she is quite as close to the ideal as I! Oh, such flattery, I am sure they wer only being kind. I did not even know Scriptures contained the measurements of the perfect Amarrian woman. I must ask Father Mikhail about it.
When we were alone, Praetus asked about my Souvenirs. I was honest, of course, though did not elaborate overmuch. He was so kind and understanding. I thought he would have been shocked at the very least, or embarrassed that his nephew had chosen such a lowly creature as I, but no; he was so welcoming I could not have wished for more.
The drive to Constantin's home was filled with more sights and sounds of the city, of course. So many people; and this time many taking picts or holorecordings. It was quite unnerving, but with Constantin by my side I am sure I could face anything. So strange to think that the heat of battle is as nothing, and yet such throngs, all focused on us, gave me such feelings. We arrived at the Basilica, which incorporates the family home, after a short drive. It was even busy here, with so many servants and slaves. It was then I was introduced to Gemmicus, who immediately hugged me! I do not know what Constantin has told his family about me, but it seems to have made them already very fond of me. I pray I can live up to whatever expectations they have of me.
We performed the foot-washing ceremony before entering the house - I think Praetus was quite pleased when I asked if I could wash Constantin's feet myself. Dinner was being prepared, so Constantin and I rested for a while beforehand. I am terribly grateful for that rest, for it was getting quite overwhelming, and had I known what was to come at dinner, I think I may have found it quite difficult. Not because it was unpleasant, but because it was very much the opposite. I have been made to feel so welcome and so loved already, that I am not ashamed to write that I had tears in my eyes more than once.
Constantin, my wonderful, powerful Constantin, took my mind away from any worries. We did not get much in the way of rest in his rooms, of course - he is quite insatiable, but then I suppose I cannot get enough of him either.
The dining room, or rather I should say dining hall, was simply hectic with servants and housestaff! Dzerzhinsky would have quite the headache trying to run this household. Constantin was dragged off almost immediately having to authorise something or other.
That is when I met her. Deacon Helena Barraca. Constantin's mother! Such a beautiful, majestic lady could only be the matriarch of this family, and the mother of My Beloved. I had expected to be so intimidated by her I would barely be able to speak, but her kind, gentle manner instantly put me at ease. She even wept with happiness to meet me, and I wept too, she was so wonderful. I think I instantly loved her as I do my own dear Mama. We talked and talked as if we had known one another for years! I know in my heart that I shall always be happy and welcome here. She even spoke on the subject of love and marriage over dinner, and I cannot imagine a more delightful and encouraging sign of being welcomed into a family!
Dinner was delightful, but it was meeting Constantin's family that made it so complete. Praetus and Gammicus, of course, and another uncle, Septimus - who mentioned that even more family members will be joining us in a few days! His wife, Cadia seemed very quite. I shall try to get to know her better in less busy surrounding, perhaps in the next few days. For tomorrow, I have been invited by Thracia, Contantin's sister, to the markets. I think that shall be quite exciting, and it will give me opportunity to get to know her better. We shall get on famously, I am sure. Constantin can spend the day with Thracia's husband, Simon. I hope Thracia will bring the children with us, however. Little Kaius is quite the image of his father, though he could barely see over the table. Sweetest of all, of course, was baby Tercia. How cure she looked in her cradle - I confess she stirred some feeling within me that I could not ignore. Is it too much to hope and pray that one day God my bless Constantin and I with a little one. I fear to think of such things lest - but no, I shall not even write any thought but those which bring joy, just as this whole day has.
Joy, but also exhaustion. I had much to reflect on and be thankful to God for during Contemplation. I also fielded so many questions about myself and how Constantin and I met and so many other things that now I am scarce able to even think. It has been a tiring day for Constantin also, and already he is sleeping soundly. Yet, I am so very happy. So very, very happy. I look forward to tomorrow. I wonder what further wonders and blessings it shall bring.
You're where the Wild Things are...
An in-character blog set in the universe of EVE Online. These are the private diary entries of Lady Ekaterina Mariya deSilvestris, a minor Amarrian Noble and Capsuleer. Other existing characters within EVE will be referred to throughout, though any opinions and views expressed are those of this character. These entries may touch on or directly address mature themes such as violence, sexuality, race and ethnicity, and mental health. As noted, any views are those of the character.
Before we begin, I feel it important to say a few words on the subject of mental health. Ekaterina, or Ekat as many call her, is something of a troubled soul. This aspect of her character is a personal choice I have made, for very personal reasons. Although EVE is a game in which the players can immerse themselves to a greater or lesser degree as they wish, mental health is a very real issue for many people. Those two simple words cover a myriad different issues and concerns that affect people directly or indirectly every day all, over the world.
If you find yourself affected by any issues touched upon in these posts, or if you face your own troubles, please know that there are people out there you can turn to; doctors, friends, family - there is ALWAYS someone. If you are an EVE player, then Broadcast 4 Reps chat is available, staffed by wonderfully kind and good-hearted volunteers. If you know of someone who has mental health issues, then please just let them know you are there. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a smile, a cup of tea, a quick phone call about last night's game - just a little thing to show they aren't forgotten.
You Never Fly Alone.
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