Finally, Edward shows his true colours. I wonder what his price was, to join the Federation. To think that I believed all his grandiose speeches about the nbole cause of the State Militia, and now I discover he has betrayed the memories of all his fallen Comrades and joined the enemy. I weep for those poor lost heroes, I really. I pray that God will one day place him underneath my sights, that I may avenge such perfidy.
Largely, however, patrols have again been rather uneventful. It seems everyone, even the Tribals are avoiding me. I would like to imagine that it is out of fear of my martial prowess, but such a notion is beyond ridiculous. True, it provides opportunity to help secure strategic locations long enough for our regular military to reinforce whichever system I may be in, but I must confess, even the lack of enemy makes for a certain uncomfortable lonliness.
I had some opportunity to break that, at least for a small while. I am only permitted short visits home, but even a few hours amongst my family is enough to restore my spirits. This time, however, saw an unexpected visitor in Ishta. I have not seen her in some time. She spoke of having served on Thebeka, and I think it has affected her quite deeply. I can well understand that having to put down one's own people must be traumatic, even for someone of Ishta's background. Poor thing. I hope she continues her lessons with Father Mikhail. If anyone can save a soul, it is the Good Father - I know.
She called me "a good one". Oh, Ishta, despite your own claims, you do have a good soul. I only wish that I could think of myself as "a good one".
Sirna was on Thebeka too, apparently. She must have kept a low profile, or been most busy, or else I am sure Alexandr would have mentioned her being there. She has moved on again, to other work for Lord Pitoojee. Ishta, quite rightly, has no wish to continue being a messenger between her sister and I. I shall contact Sirna directly, and ask if she will agree to meet me. Perhaps she may reply this time, but I very much doubt it. Ishta says her sister is "in limbo". She is not the only one, but I must make a decision, no matter how difficult that may be.
Control informs me the enemy is inbound. I wonder if it is the turncoat? May God grant me Victory if it is.
You're where the Wild Things are...
An in-character blog set in the universe of EVE Online. These are the private diary entries of Lady Ekaterina Mariya deSilvestris, a minor Amarrian Noble and Capsuleer. Other existing characters within EVE will be referred to throughout, though any opinions and views expressed are those of this character. These entries may touch on or directly address mature themes such as violence, sexuality, race and ethnicity, and mental health. As noted, any views are those of the character.
Before we begin, I feel it important to say a few words on the subject of mental health. Ekaterina, or Ekat as many call her, is something of a troubled soul. This aspect of her character is a personal choice I have made, for very personal reasons. Although EVE is a game in which the players can immerse themselves to a greater or lesser degree as they wish, mental health is a very real issue for many people. Those two simple words cover a myriad different issues and concerns that affect people directly or indirectly every day all, over the world.
If you find yourself affected by any issues touched upon in these posts, or if you face your own troubles, please know that there are people out there you can turn to; doctors, friends, family - there is ALWAYS someone. If you are an EVE player, then Broadcast 4 Reps chat is available, staffed by wonderfully kind and good-hearted volunteers. If you know of someone who has mental health issues, then please just let them know you are there. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a smile, a cup of tea, a quick phone call about last night's game - just a little thing to show they aren't forgotten.
You Never Fly Alone.
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