I visited Sasha as soon as I got to Arx Garum. He was sleeping, still recovering from his injuries. The doctors say he is likely to require a replacement eye and hand, but other than that he should fully recover, in time. Ishta was there, of course, but she barely said two words to me. She is worried and afraid, which is understandable but sooner or later she will lose Sasha regardless. Such is the price for immortality. Major Natashova spoke to me regarding Ishta, telling me she had been tired and stressed. For all her flaws and doubts, Ishta is quite a gentle, soft soul, deep down.
The team are stood down on Arx Garum until further notice. They need time to recover and rest. I, however, have no such luxury. After seeing Sasha I immediately clone-jumped home to Nakri, then took a shuttle to the State. LUMEN anti-piracy operations are under way and I must do my part there as well. I am rather looking forward to being back in a pod, in all truth. It has been some time.
The vodka and bath shall simply have to wait.
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