I should be happy if I never see that vile garish colour again. I think we all shall. This the aftermath of whatever dark science the Invaders used and I can only imagine how those trapped here felt as the star that had once given them life sickened, twisted, and all but died. We are doing all we can to avenge that evil.
It feels strange, but as busy as we have been, with striking against the Triglavians in all manners at our disposal, I also find enough time to dwell on any number of subjects, mostly in relation to our enemy. I did wonder if Triglavians were capable of feeling fear, and now I know that to very much be the case. It should have been obvious, of course, but they have been quite a mystery in many ways so one could not be sure. That particular matter, however, has been quite thoroughly answered, along with any questions about the physical and mental capabilities of the enemy to resist enhanced questioning techniques.
Do they have souls? Perhaps that is a question best left to theologists and philosophers, but my personal opinion is that they must do. Are not all things creations of God, even these corrupted beings? Perhaps they are what happens when a race completely abandons God, turning their back once and for all on all that is Holy. Even the Tribals that have rejected The Faith still cleave to some form of spiritual belief, which, one could argue, stills shows some understanding of The Almighty, if somewhat clouded and child-like. But these things! I have seen nothing that resembles even the most debased of religious practices and am very much convinced I never shall.
Yet no-one can truly escape God. Everything exists under The Almighty's watchful eye and all must bow, knowingly or not, to Divine Will, even these benighted creatures. I have heard some whisper that the Invaders are some sort of punishment sent by God for the sins in New Eden, whilst others have seen them as a test of Faith, or at least as such for those of The Faith. I am not sure I am convinced either of those are the case. The more I contemplate the broken body and smashed face of the one lying in front of me, the more I think that they were not so much sent to us by God, but directed here by the Unseen Hand of the Divine. Why would God do such a thing?
Perhaps it is not God's design that they have been sent to punish us, but instead have been driven to this place so that we may save them, through fire and flame.
Fire and Flame to return them to Paradise.
I think it is time to cycle my team out. They have outshone themselves in action here. Thebeka and Floseswin will seem as nothing compared to what we have faced, and achieved, in Raravoss. They deserve to reap some reward.
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