You're where the Wild Things are...

An in-character blog set in the universe of EVE Online. These are the private diary entries of Lady Ekaterina Mariya deSilvestris, a minor Amarrian Noble and Capsuleer. Other existing characters within EVE will be referred to throughout, though any opinions and views expressed are those of this character. These entries may touch on or directly address mature themes such as violence, sexuality, race and ethnicity, and mental health. As noted, any views are those of the character.

Before we begin, I feel it important to say a few words on the subject of mental health. Ekaterina, or Ekat as many call her, is something of a troubled soul. This aspect of her character is a personal choice I have made, for very personal reasons. Although EVE is a game in which the players can immerse themselves to a greater or lesser degree as they wish, mental health is a very real issue for many people. Those two simple words cover a myriad different issues and concerns that affect people directly or indirectly every day all, over the world.

If you find yourself affected by any issues touched upon in these posts, or if you face your own troubles, please know that there are people out there you can turn to; doctors, friends, family - there is ALWAYS someone. If you are an EVE player, then Broadcast 4 Reps chat is available, staffed by wonderfully kind and good-hearted volunteers. If you know of someone who has mental health issues, then please just let them know you are there. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a smile, a cup of tea, a quick phone call about last night's game - just a little thing to show they aren't forgotten.

You Never Fly Alone.


Ishta is now inserted into the Koval household.  Not as her, of course.  Quite strange and wonderful the things that can be done with cloning technology.

I am not sure what she expects to find, though I suppose that if there is indeed anything to find, this will be the most likely method of doing so.  She is in constant contact with Control, though should anything go awry - and I pray to God and the Eternal Empress they do not - I do not, in all honesty, really know what we could do.  It is not as if we could suddenly storm the home of our rivals.  Rather foolishly we did not finalise Ishta's exit strategy, at least not to my satisfaction, but Ishta does have a rather wildly cavalier streak so I should not be so surprised.

The Tribals attempted some operation or other above Floseswin.  It seems to have caused something of a stir in the Imperial militia who, for some strange reason, accused Aldrith of all people of disloyalty and heresy!  Heresy.  Those idiots barely know the meaning of the word, they just throw it around whenever someone, anyone, does anything they dislike.  That jumped up gopnitsa Saronu Yassavi is the worst for it, although as one might expect her influence in this case is hidden in the background, manipulating others to do her bidding.  If anyone is a traitor it is her.  Fortunately, however, a rather strong comment from Olacar Xer Sarum has more than stopped any foolishness, even it no doubt has also inflated Aldrith's ego to near-dangerous proportions.

I tease.  That said, I am pleased Aldrith did stop whatever the Tribals were attempting.  Whilst Operation Snegovschina is still underway, I would rather there was as little activity as possible from the enemy.  The more the general population on Floseswin believe that their would-be liberators are seeing traitors and enemies everywhere and targeting even the innocent, the better.  How fortunate that human nature means their will always be someone willing to secure their position with the winning side.

It has not been all work and plotting.  The Directrix - Directrix Phonaga as she is now - gave a wonderful garden tour.  The children's garden in particular was delightful, and I have asked if we can meet for a talk about how such a thing might be created here in Nakri as a space for the many refugee children, some of whom are orphans, that fled here after the Raravoss disaster.  They deserve something to help them recover.  There is also the astounding environmental system that the Directrix developed to consider.  The dear Directrix was also kind enough to let me stay awhile in the reproduction of a Dam-Torsad garden, with it's beautiful statue of Saint Jamyl.  Miss Hennver accompanied me, and what an interesting young woman she is.  Most friendly, one has to say, and certain very open, but she seems a kind, caring soul.  She spoke of looking to work with the Praetorians, as she has worked with Khimi Harar.  I cannot make that sort of decision, of course, but if I am asked my opinion I shall say that I find her pleasant and positive.

There is also a ball tomorrow, held by ourselves.  In honesty, I am not sure, given past experiences, I am really suited to such functions, and I am tempted to make my excuses, but I suppose I should really attend, especially as we, the Praetorians that is, are the hosts.  After all, I cannot imagine there will be anyone there who is likely to sour my mood or make things difficult by their presence, so perhaps I should take the opportunity.  We have had some new Initiates too, including Lady Renaud, and perhaps Celeste and Amicia will be there.

I really should go.

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