You're where the Wild Things are...

An in-character blog set in the universe of EVE Online. These are the private diary entries of Lady Ekaterina Mariya deSilvestris, a minor Amarrian Noble and Capsuleer. Other existing characters within EVE will be referred to throughout, though any opinions and views expressed are those of this character. These entries may touch on or directly address mature themes such as violence, sexuality, race and ethnicity, and mental health. As noted, any views are those of the character.

Before we begin, I feel it important to say a few words on the subject of mental health. Ekaterina, or Ekat as many call her, is something of a troubled soul. This aspect of her character is a personal choice I have made, for very personal reasons. Although EVE is a game in which the players can immerse themselves to a greater or lesser degree as they wish, mental health is a very real issue for many people. Those two simple words cover a myriad different issues and concerns that affect people directly or indirectly every day all, over the world.

If you find yourself affected by any issues touched upon in these posts, or if you face your own troubles, please know that there are people out there you can turn to; doctors, friends, family - there is ALWAYS someone. If you are an EVE player, then Broadcast 4 Reps chat is available, staffed by wonderfully kind and good-hearted volunteers. If you know of someone who has mental health issues, then please just let them know you are there. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a smile, a cup of tea, a quick phone call about last night's game - just a little thing to show they aren't forgotten.

You Never Fly Alone.

I have just enough time to write this before it is scanned and sent in the SHEBA, but it is too important not to include.

They say that God works in mysterious ways, and it is true.  Lilya contacted me.  She came for the civilians and is evacuating them now.  She intends to take them to a neutral place where they can go where they wish.  She also tried to persuade me to leave, but I explained why I could not.  She understood, though it was hard for her to accept.  Accept she did, but in exchange for something of such great importance that she recorded the communication in order that she may remind me of it should events result in my waking in a soft clone.

She asked me to marry her.

I said Yes.

Because I love her.

I never realised Tribals were so delicately sensitive.  All it takes is cheap insults to upset them. Here was I under the misguided impression they called themselves warriors.  It also appears that when pressed to the matter, they have little real desire to live up to their self-styled title of "Liberators" or "Saviours".  Pathetic.

My patience has run out.  I dislike leaving the civilians to their fate.  Despite the massive cognitive dissonance it appears to be causing the Tribals, I have no desire to see innocent civilians, especially children, die.  Yet, the delay caused by the Tribals' constant bickering and inherent mistrust - what could one expect from a society such as theirs - has afforded us enough time to make preparations.  If they assault, they will suffer, and we shall be able to last for some time.  Even when our ammunition is depleted, the time, and the terrain, favours us for close combat.  I have also had a section reconnoitre further into the mine with the help of the foreman who joined us, and there is an exit, though reaching it will be difficult, and there is no guarantee of safety at the end of if even if we do.  It is something to consider, however.

I shall have the last intelligence and information send out in another SHEBA, along with the electronically scanned file of this diary, after which I shall burn it.  This, therefore, may be my last entry in it, at least for now, but there is always a danger in soft clones.

The troops of Alfa Company, deSilvestris Household Naval Infantry have served bravely and with distinction.  It has been an Honour to lead them.  Contained within the SHEBA transmission are their last message to their families.  The Company Batushka has performed the Sacred Mysteries of Confession and Communion for us all, and we are prepared to fight and die in the Name and Glory of God.

To my family - I love you, and am grateful for all the help and support you have given me.
To Lilya - You shall forever be in my heart.  You are truly a Blessing from God.  Be strong, My Love, we shall be together again.
To Ishta - I am so very proud of you, and I wish you and Sasha all the happiness in the world.
To all in PIE - It was an Honour to serve.  You were all so inspirational to me.
To Constantin - I forgive you.

To Sirna - I miss you. I always have.  I am so sorry I was never the person you deserved.  I always loved you.

In the Name of God and the Eternal Empress, I give my life in the Service of The Holy Empire of Amarr.

Amarr Victor

Sumus Silvestre

Miara Blackfire as agreed to act as an escort for Oona Aldeland's evacuation of the East Hav civilians.  Praise be to God that at least these two have some care for the innocent.  I do not know if many people are aware of the situation here, but anyone following developments must surely see that not every Amarrian is the enslaving warmonger the Tribals say we are, and nor is every so-called warrior that the Minmatar throw into battle particularly concerned with the fate or welfare of those they so loudly proclaim to be "their people"!  It was not my intention to gain any sort of moral propaganda victory here, I have merely followed the teachings of my Father and the lessons of Father Mikhail.  I wonder if they are aware of what is happening here.

God Willing, Ms Aldeland will accept and confirm the terms of the cease-fire soon.  At that point, we will begin to move the locals to the transportation hub.  Those who have chosen to defend their home have already gone to the administration building and begun to barricade it.

So strange that in the midst of all this death springs new life.  One of the local women gave birth to a daughter this afternoon.  Medic Golikov helped deliver her, and despite everything she seems strong and healthy and took to her mother's breast with no trouble at all.  What a dear, sweet thing she is.  I asked her mother, Asal, what she intended to call her, but she did not know.  I think she was simply relieved that everything was alright.  I shall make sure that mother and child are at the very front, so that they can be amongst the first to leave for safety.  Similarly I would like the local children who have helped us to be evacuated before anyone else.  They deserve to find lives away from all of this.

It is not clear if there is to be an agreement on the evacuation of the civilians of East Hav.  Nauplius, the idiot, has made a suggestion on the IGS of using them as human shields.  Apart from the fact that I would never stain the honour of my family being committing such an atrocity, he seems to have failed to note that at least two of the Tribal war-leaders, or whatever they may call themselves, have made comments that clearly indicate they would not hesitate to indiscriminately murder every living thing in this town.

However, we have not sat idle whilst we wait for a sensible reply.  The Officers have taken recordings from the surviving troops of the Company - Yoiul messages for their families and loved ones.  In the next hour or so, these messages will be sent out as a Short High Energy Burst Algorithm to Sarum fleets in Floseswin, to then be passed immediately to my family, and it is only my family that have the corresponding algorithm to decrypt the deeper message.

We may very well be about to die, if such is God's Will, but at least Imperial Forces shall also have details of enemy strength and composition in this area, along with other information we have been able to obtain.

The civilians also need to be organised, so that they can be ready to move to the transport hub as soon as possible.  That will take time, but the activity should mask the preparations being made by some of the platoons.

I hope the Tribals enjoy their Yoiul gifts when they come.

The Tribal response has been one of polar extremes.  Oona Aldeland has offered to provide transports to remove the civilians from East Nav.  Maira Blackfire appears willing to provide armed cover, and has, at least, agreed to observe any ceasefire agreement.  If we can finalise details, then all may be well, at least for the innocents here.

Conversely, the usual rabid suspects are vowing to murder everyone in the settlement, innocent or not.  Elsebeth Rhiannon has all but washed her hands of the situation, but I must admit I expected very little else.  A couple of other Tribal fools are, as one might expect, simply baying for blood.  At least they have revealed their intention to use NBC weapons.  Forewarned is forearmed, as they say, though our equipment against such attacks is only basic.  Furthermore, knowing that this is a possibility, I am less inclined to allow the civilians that have offered to assist us in the final stages to do so.  I shall try to persuade them to leave for safety.  I believe, however, that they fear reprisals for being considered collaborators, so perhaps remaining with us is a more palatable fate.

Another group of civilians, around 30, appear to have decided that they have had enough of invaders.  They wish only to defend their home, and are not a part of my forces.  I admire their resolve, and I cannot blame them for wanting to keep another set of troops away from what is left of their property.  I have tried to speak with them to get them to leave, but they refuse.  Therefore I have agreed that they can arm themselves with basic weapons from the civilian stock we secured in the settlement, and have negotiated that rather than spread themselves out to their individual properties - not that there is anything left of any of them - they should, for safety's sake, group together in the administrative building on the East side of the settlement.  If an evacuation is arranged, I will inform the enemy of the presence of these civilians, who are merely defending themselves.  God Willing, they will avoid these brave souls.

The evacuation itself I shall try to arrange to take place at the transport station on the North side of the settlement.  It seems to be the most logical place, and the wide plaza is not entirely covered in rubble, allowing any transports relatively easy access.  This will also place the majority of activity on the opposite side of the town to my troops.  There is a minehead on the South side, with access to the workings.  Normally this would make very little sense, as it would only serve to trap us, but it may, firstly, provide some additional protection against any unconventional weapons, and secondly, one of the civilians who has joined us is a Mine Foreman, Sher Zamora his name, and he speaks of the workings coming up to the surface again some distance from East Nav.  These exit points are only small, however, barely more than ventilation shafts, and it is just as likely they have collapsed or been covered over, or are otherwise unusuable.  We shall see.  Perhaps God shall smile upon us, though if it is our Fate to die here, in this small mining town, then we shall go to it bravely, with hymns on our lips, Faith in our hearts, and the mounds of the enemy dead before us.

It is Yoiul.  I miss Mama, Papa, Kostya, and Felix, and Dzerzhinsky, of course.  I miss Okhrana and Cheka too.  Silly Hounds, I do so hope Felix is looking after them properly.

I wonder if Ishta has found Sasha yet.  Poor Mama, having two of her children away this year, and after Kostya had arranged some shore-leave!  At least, God Willing, she will get Sasha back.

I have made my offer on the IGS.  Let us see what they Tribals say.  Surely at least one of them has some humanity?

I pray to God it is so, but if not, the deaths of the people of East Hav shall not be on my conscience.

The scouts suggest that the enemy are preparing for another assault.  The Company now down to just over 100 strong, from 150, if it is of any significant force, we may not be able to repulse it, though we have prepared plenty of unpleasant surprises for them, and have fortified as well as we are able.  Enough of the locals have armed themselves to bring our total strength back to around 140, but I would rather that all those unwilling or unable to fight were evacuated.  The only way to that, of course, is by the graces of the enemy.

Contact is intermittent and sparse.  I suspect the enemy may be jamming our communications.  I will attempt to make contact with some of the more influential Tribal commanders, perhaps through the IGS, to see if a truce can be arranged to allow the evacuation of civilians.  Perhaps in the spirit of Yoiul they will be willing.  Perhaps not.  I can only try, and put my pray to God that they are moved to kindness and charity.

Yuill.  I did not think this is how I would spend it.  I miss my family, and Lilya.  I hope she is not fretting too much.  I pray that Ishta has managed to locate Sasha.  Yet, I look around me at the tired, but determined faces of this Company, and I see that we are united in Faith, resolved before God.  Even those who are wounded have said they do not wish to leave, even if I am able to get an agreement.

This is another kind of family, and at this moment, I would not give them up for all the Treasures of Heaven.

We saw our first real casualties these last two days.  Twenty-seven troops, almost an entire platoon, Leytenant Antonov amongst them.  An assault by the enemy that suggests they may very well be considering saving their artillery and facing us in hand-to-hand combat instead.  Twenty-seven of ours, but we have accounted for over eighty of theirs in return, so I think that our small numbers hides the skill that deSilvestris Household Naval Infantry have in this sort of environment.  Perhaps that shall give the Tribals pause, but I suspect it shall just make them fight all the harder, attempting to outdo one another in their primitive personal quests for glory.

Unfortunately, at least thirty civilians we also killed.  The Tribals seemed to make no distinction between us and the innocent locals.  True, those locals had taken up arms, and I imagine that is all the barbarians saw - there was no discernable attempt at any target identification.  They seem to be an undisciplined, though undoubtedly brave, rabble.  I think the inhabitants of this town are the bravest of all of us.  That is how most of our casualties were sustained - protecting the civilians who were not fighting, mostly elderly and children, as they sought shelter.

East Hav is the name of the town, though most of the Company seem to have an odd affection for Mining Settlement 45.  Indeed, they are already calling themselves The Forty-Fivers.

I should hardly be surprised that a small town such as this, marked on our maps only as Mining Settlement 45, though I suspect it does have a proper name, is being largely ignored by the enemy.  Only the occassional, sporadic probe seems to come to test us, and thus far we have seen them off with only a few minor casualties.  Not one of my Company is, as yet, incapable of fighting, and even some of the locals are beginning to aid us.  That is something I do find rather surprising, but perhaps it because we have not maltreated them and they do not wish to see any more damage done to their home, though what more damage could be done, I am not sure.

The enemy will come eventually, of course.  We shall be ready for them, and shall make them pay dearly.  They are too numerous and mobile for us to consider attempting a breakout.  We would simply be swamped and massacred.  It is better, therefore, that we dig in for a defence, and hold our ground for as long as possible.  I would rather, however, that civilians were not here.  If I understand enemy tactics at all, they have no need to risk lives needlessly on such a numerically minor force as this Company.  They would be better to simply shell us with artillery.  However, one thing that must be said of the Tribals is that they rarely shirk from close-quarters battle.  I believe they see much honour in it.  Whichever they choose, I shall have the scouts keep a keen eye on their movements and preparations, and when the time grows near, I shall have to consider what to do about the locals.

Orders to pull back have been given.  The fighting here has been intense, but our morale is still high.  I have discussed the matter with Officers of other formations, and it has been agreed.  deSilvestris Household Naval Infantry shall act as a rearguard whilst other formations and unit retreat to the mountains.  It is likely, therefore, that we shall be cut off, but we shall place our Faith in God.  We have plenty of ammunition, and the enemy forces we have so far encountered appear to be less experienced or trained in urban warfare than we are.  We are also fortunate in still being in the good graces of the local populace.  A little kindness can truly go a long way.  However, I am wary that the Tribals may consider this humanity shown by the people to be, in their barbarian eyes, unforgivable collaboration, and I have no wish to place them in any more danger than would otherwise trouble them in a home that is under near-constant shelling.

I suppose the situation may look rather bleak to some, though I have heard no defeatist talk from the Company.  They talk only about how many Tribals they will each kill before we all return to Nakri for Yoiul.  I am honoured to lead such a brave and noble group of warriors.

To think it is but less than two weeks until Yoiul.  I fear I shall not be at home with my family this year.  Instead, I shall be here, on Floseswin, fighting on the ground, in the rubble-strewn streets.  I shall not be alone, of course, for I have the brave soldiers, the men and women of my family's Household Naval Infantry.  They may only be a Company, but they are brave and dedicated, and more than capable of facing the hardships of the most brutal arenas of this war.

I had the opportunity to go home, of course.  Aside from the traditional lottery that our Household forces always have when festivals fall in times of conflict, Officers with ties to the family always have the privilege of going home.  I have given the Right up for this year, however.  It did not feel proper to take it, though no-one would have complained, when we are here because Father gave the order as soon as Sasha was overdue on his regular contact.  Something must have happened, and that, combined with the simple fact that we have a duty to be here as Vassals of Lord Sarum, means that for most of us, grenades and mortars shall be our fireworks displays, flamethrowers shall be our Yoiul fires, and the mounds of dead Tribals shall be our presents.  I gave my place to Vitalyovich Ustinov, a young Matros.  His wife recently gave birth to a daughter.  It seems only right he should be with them.  I gave him a little silver chain as a present for his little one.

We, as a Company, have given presents to the civilian children remaining here, also.  Little things, such as sweet treats and what few rations we can spare - or scavenge.  It has made us a little more popular than I suspect would otherwise be the case, and with the adults too.  This is a good thing.  If we can show that we are here to protect, not harm, they may be more inclined to assist us, even if it just in small ways.  Already some of the braver, or more street-wise youngsters are proving to be the most observant and attentive helpers, reporting back on enemy movements and maneuvers that they become aware of.  I am sure some the older ones would be more than willing to assist us in more proactive ways.  After all, everyone trusts children, do they not?  Even Tribals.

I must try to get some time to send a message to Mama and Felix, and to Lilya too.  Poor thing, I know she shall worry so when she finds out I am here on the planet itself.  The orders were so sudden, I did not have time to let her know.  I brought the pistol she gave me, and I think of her everytime I look at it.  I shall use it to kill as many of the enemy as possible, to defend her and render her safe.


A second patrol, and more action this time, though no kills.  We attacked the Orbital Customs Office in Floseswin operated by those vile barbarians Ushra'Khan.  Even through the vacuum of space, the hull of my Punisher, and the shell of my pod, their stink made me retch.  Paladin Newelle led the attack, and all was going rather well until a pirate gang, no doubt in the pay of the Tribals, engaged us. Alas, we were not prepared for ship-to-ship combat, and the order to disengage was given quickly.  Unfortunately, the mercenaries caught Paladin Commander Newelle, and though My Lady gave a very good fight, she was eventually overcome.  There are times when I curse my training and discipline, for though I know always to follow orders, to leave My Lady on the battlefield does not sit well with my conscience, even though such things are routine for such as we, and it is not as if death has its permanency for capsuleers.  Perhaps it is the principle of the thing.

Following this, I assisted Chapter Master Lok'ri in securing strategic points in the system, in support of regular Amarr forces.  Such an honour to be alongside the Chapter Master.  I pray I gave a good account of myself.  The Chapter Master has also given me permission to investigate the activities of certain of our "allies".  I look forward to that task with relish.

Since the apparent revelation on the IGS, I have thought more about what was said.  Whilst I do not doubt that that Matari whore is indeed a spy and a corrupting influence, questions do arise in my mind.

Why has this alleged agency compromised her?  So far as I am aware, few people suspected her openly, and she has done nothing directly to draw suspicion to herself.  Why throw away an apparently good agent?  Indeed, even if she had in some compromised herself, to out ones own operatives seem very unusual.

What if, then, this agency is not, in fact, her employer?  That begs the question of who exactly they are, and the question of why becomes even more pertinent. What have they to gain from exposing her?  How, indeed, did they even know? 

There is more here than meets the eye.  If an unknown agency somehow has access to information as sensitive to clandestine operatives and operations, there could be serious implications to others, including the Empire.  What other secrets do they know or could they uncover?

I shall speak to Papa about this.  I think it is perhaps something we could turn our skills to.

My first warzone patrol in quite some time, and a somewhat successful one.  True, a simple escape pod does not, alas, really count as a kill, and unfortunately I was just a moment too slow to destroy the enemy's Burst - the laughably poor Tribal excuse for a Logistics Frigate - yet it was undeniably exhilirating to execute one of them.  I pray that I get further opportunities to inflict Divine Retribution of the Enemies of God.

I was ably assisted by another Crusade member, by the callsign of Vmey or some such.  I assumed that he had the honour of the actual kill of the Tribal vessel, but when I requested sight of the official combat logs, it appears that was not the case.  The pod loss was listed, but not the ship.  I can only assume that the coward self-destructed or perhaps even ejected, as it does not appear on any kill report.  How strange.  I shall look out for him again - I feel rather cheated, and I simply cannot tolerate that!

Yes, it feels right and proper to be here, to be playing my part in the Service of God and The Eternal Empress.

We have told Ishta the truth.  It seems only right that she knows the reason God brought her to the attention of this family.  It is, admittedly, much for her to take in, for never could she have imagined such a destiny for herself - a destiny irrevocably intertwined with that of this family.  She will return to Lord Pitoojee knowing so much more of herself, and when we next see her, I think that she will be quite changed.

It was, of course, a family decision between Papa, Mama, myself, Felix, and Father Mikhail.  We were all in agreement it was the correct course of action.  We could not deny all the signs any longer.  What other reason could there ever be for the strength of the relationship between my brother and her, and my family's complete acceptance of it.  Even I have accepted it.  It is clear.  Ishta is, without any doubt, one the Beacons of God.  She will learn to embrace it, in time.  Others have, over the centuries, the millenia, and many have found it difficult.

Sasha, of course, we have not told.  Even if we thought it the right time for my brother to know, which we do not, we cannot reach him when he is on Operations.  Fortunately, Ishta has requested that we do not tell him.  Father Mikhail and I are only too happy to agree.  The time will come, perhaps, when he has returned.

I, also, must leave soon for the warzone.  The struggle will be hard, and with the tide of war turned against us, for now, Victory will not be swift in coming.  So even my small efforts are needed there, and I know since my Pilgrimage I must give more.  I left a note for Lilya after I last saw her.  I hope she does not mind my silently slipping away, but I feel it best.  I shall keep her in my heart, knowing that she is one of the most precious things I fight to protect.

May God be with us all.

I have been passed my final examination papers for the promotion to Paladin.  Lord Lok'ri assures me I may take my time, seek the advice and wisdom of more senior members of PIE, and that there is no one correct answer to any given question.  There are, however, incorrect answers, and whilst I am quite confident I shall be able to avoid that pitfall, I am still quite nervous.  I know I have so much to prove, to my commanders, my family, God, Her, and of course, to myself.  I cannot deny, also, less honourable motives behind my drive to succeed in this endeavour - ever since that Matari whore was revealed for what she truly is, I want to show Constantin what he threw away.  I want him to regret.

Is that cruel upon Lilya?  I feel so wicked for thinking in such a way, especially when she is so dear and sweet to me, despite our recent disagreement.  I told her about the examination, and she was nothing but supportive.  Yet when I tried to tell of my worries of the sickness within LUMEN'S midst, she seemed like all the others - dismissing my concerns as petty jealousy.  All of LUMEN seem alarmingly dismissive, uncaring even.  They have taken no steps to remove the disease, and I wonder - has the rot permeated so far into them that it is too late?  The only two members I truly trust are Lilya and Ishta.  I wish there was some way I could be sure of keeping them both safe from that corrupting influence.

Did that poisonous creature bring the illness that wracks them, or did she merely exacerbate something that was already there?  The fact that, as a group, they appear to have some sort of moral disquietude towards the Sarum Family's Sacred Duty is concerning enough, but I also hear rumours of them undertaking missions alongside actual Enemies of the Empire!  Lord Pitoojee has withdrawn Ishta's contract - a foolish and short-sighted move - because he apparently does not approve her taking part in Operations that support the Reclaiming.   I find it hard to believe that the Tribal witch would be able to influence such a one as Lord Pitoojee, and yet a fact is a fact - he has withdrawn Ishta.  Is that that bitch's influence, or was he already bound to waver in his service to God and the Empire?  Such a pity we cannot devise a way to bring Ishta into our family, especially given how special she is.  Perhaps I should speak more with Papa about the matter.

One thing I cannot do, however, is tell Sasha about what I and Father Mikhail have realised about Ishta.  We shall, eventually, but not now.  He has too much to concentrate on, and I think he still needs time to recover from the unwitting blow Lord Pitoojee has dealt him.

Or was it all that unwitting?

I feel another headache coming on.  I showed Lilya my cuts, I do not know why.  Perhaps, after our argument, I felt as though I should try to explain some things.  I do not know if I was successful.  I know I spoke, but I am not at all sure of what I said.  The thoughts are all confused in my mind - mixed with the anger and rage, it is so difficult to make sense of myself at times.  I think I should return to the warzone as soon as possible, for at least then I shall have focus.  I shall miss Lilya so.

Praise God and the Eternal Empress!  The sweet, precious taste of Vindication.

They said I was just jealous, just petty, an angry, hurt, jilted lover, spiteful for being cast aside without a second thought.  Yet I knew.  I knew!  The truth is out, posted onto the IGS for all to see, and now everyone can witness what I already knew.

The Matari whore is a spy.  Tasked with twisting and manipulating the thoughts and minds of Tribals and Amarr alike, to corrupt their morals and accept the unacceptable.

I have never had such a feeling before.  I cannot even begin to describe the sheer JOY!  Her handlers have openly admitted not only the mission, but also its sheer and utter failure.  She thought she was so clever, so careful, so believable.  It failed because of me!  If I had accepted their relationship, I am sure others would have too, and no-one would be any the wiser.  Yet it made no sense.  Reject me? For her?  No-one with even the slightest degree of sense believed that, especially as he barely even gave the flimsiest of reasons.

I must admit, of course, that Elsebeth Rhiannon also saw her for what she was.  Rhiannon may be a sworn enemy, but I have a respect for her.  She is intelligent and insightful.  Such a pity she is not on our side.

A clever mission.  I almost wish I had thought of it first.  They picked the perfect target, of course.  Easily turned, willing to see the good in everyone, not a shred of healthy, natural suspicion.  I almost feel sorry for him.  A part of me hopes that her punishment for failure is of the harshest kind, but I do also have some concern for poor Constantin.  It is unlikely that his mistake will be dismissed as unthinking foolishness, and his punishment may also be severe.  He may be better to remain with the Tribals.

A thought occurs to me.  What if he was not the victim of a plot?  What if he was a co-conspirator?  That may explain some things.  What if some of the things he said to me was a part of it, him trying to corrupt me?  I think that perhaps this ought to be investigated further.  Things are not over yet.

For now, however, I intend to celebrate!  It is not every day my heart is filled with such a sense of happiness.

Oh, Vindication, you taste so very sweet indeed! Thank you, My Eternal Empress, for this gift. Thank you so very much.