Finally! A quiet moment to give some attention to my poor neglected diary after all the activity of the last few weeks. And such activity, both good and bad. Where does one begin?
Yoiul, of course. It was a wonderful time as it always is, all of us together, but this time with Ishta and her family. They are our family now and must get used to Nakriian celebrations. I am sure the seemingly endless Church Services must have seemed exceedingly strange to them. Not that they are any strangers to The Faith, of course, but I do not think they will have seen many like those we have here. Smells and Bells, as Felix says, although never in earshot of Father Mikhail!
It was the family gathering, though, that was, as ever, the highlight. Presents galore and as much food and drink as we must have in the rest of the year alone! Dear Kostya was home - an event for which I am always grateful - and I had given Sasha, along with the rest of the 601st, 48 hour passes. It is the least I could do given where I was to send them afterwards.
This Yoiul was made thoroughly special by the kindness of The Directrix. The refugee and orphan children absolutely adored having a visit from Saint Nicolas The Destroyer, and even the older ones let themselves be lost in the moment, putting their traumas away in the shadows for a while. The Directrix is a soul of pure kindness. I shall make quite sure she is an admired and respected figure in Nakri, as she should be.
It feels as though there has been so much, and yet I can think of so little to write. Operation Sanctity is now under way fully, and we received a SHEBA with the Code Word MIKHAIL. We shall see what comes next, but my prayers are with them every day. What they do is but the beginning, and an unseen beginning at that, but it of the utmost importance, and I must concentrate my energies upon playing my part in it. It does, I admit, pain me that I cannot tell Ishta the truth of where her beloved is, but operational security must come before any personal considerations. I also worry about what she might do were she to know, given how impetuous she can be. Perhaps there are other things we can occupy her mind and time with.
I wonder, now that Ishta has qualified for the capsule, whether she may be interested in joining some LUMEN expeditions. The last we had, a strike against Triglavian forces attempting to raid Imperial territory, was most successful. We must have destroyed at least a hundred of the invaders, with no losses to us at all - and we had but a handful of vessels. Ah, but a handful of loyal and brave Faithful is more than enough to defeat any foe. Who can stand against us when God is on our side and we have the Blessings of Her Eternal Majesty?
I know there are things I am forgetting, but I am tired and my mind is whirling with all the things I must do. Time for prayers and then sleep. Tomorrow shall no doubt be another busy day.