Slava Bogu!
The Operation on Floseswin IV was a success. Through Prayer and Fire we have freed our brethren and sistren from the torture camps of the Tribals. What a glorious sight it was to behold the mighty vessels of the Crusade in orbit above the planet. With God's Grace and Mercy the opposition was minimal, and purely planetary. The oh-so-very-brave capsuleers of the so-called Tribal Liberation Force and their baying curs did not even attempt to prevent our work. No doubt they were safe in their holes where they can spit their meaningless curses and empty calls of "freedom".
Indeed, let them do so, for it works only in the favour of Operation Snegovschina, which may now move to the next stage. Doubtless there are already questions being asked of how so many attacks could be carried out against defended Tribal sites by forces already present on the planet. There will be recriminations, accusations, and retributions. I positively plan on it; and whilst all this goes on, and more and more innocents are accused of collaboration with the hated slavers, more and more fall foul of vigilante justice, the would-be saviours of the people of Floseswin IV will sit there, safe and hidden, yet shouting loudly enough that all will see what their devotion to the "liberation" of their people is truly worth.
How busy I am kept. Aside from that, Edward has asked me to persuade the Holders in Basan to allow a contingent from his group to operate against some mutual enemies there. It is never a disadvantage to find opportunity to develop contacts and favours. It is made easier, I suppose, by the fact that Edward's Nadire group has apparently decided not to renew its contract supporting the Federation's war effort. I must admit a personal satisfaction at such a decision as well. It will make it much easier for Edward to visit me in the Empire. I hope he shall do so more often, and be less inclined to hurry back home afterwards. A foolish indulgence, but I rather like keeping him as long as can. Perhaps that is encouraging his developing feelings toward me, despite our unspoken agreement that this was just a fling, an idle love affair. He has obviously picked up some of that well-known Gallente romanticism.
The only blot in this beautiful picture is, as one may expect, Nauplius' continued baffling attempts to besmirch my family. What would he do were he to find out that aside from Sasha being quite open about his relationship with Ishta, I myself am engaged in a torrid affair with a profligate libertine known throughout New Eden as an insatiable rake, a turncoat-turned-playboy? No doubt the word "fornicate" would frequently usher forth from his mouth!
The heretic fool's latest spark of genius is drones floating around our properties chanting his vacant-headed slogan. Fortunately, our dear security services have been very quick at intercepting and neutralising them, though I believe more than one was the source, or perhaps I should say target, of youthful entertainment for some of the boys and girls in the locality. I rather think we shall see some new sharpshooters amongst our younger recruits in a few years. I suppose that is something to thank Nauplius for.
The drones do give me an idea.