How strange it seems to one moment be assisting the 601st in a covert insertion to begin Operation Snegovshchina, and the next to be stood next to Edward in the city of Rhamnus, laying a memorial wreath to those lost in the war against the Triglavians. It was sweet of Edward to ask me to be there, and though I not naïve enough to think that there are not murmurs of dissent at the presence of an Amarrian noble at such a ceremony, let alone the names of fallen Amarrians on the monument itself, I do think it is a powerful symbol of how we can, at time, set aside our differences in the face of a mutual threat.
I should have returned immediately to the Empire, but I could not resist the temptation of the Grand Prix. Admittedly, there was also the added thrill that my special dispensation to travel in Federation for the purpose of the Ceremony most certainly did not cover entering the race. Federation security had no hope of catching me, and I thought I was making rather good time. Until a rather unfortunate encounter in Saminer. In all honesty I expected to fall afoul of someone lying in wait for racers far sooner.
I do not know whether it was the disorientation I always suffer when waking up in a clone or the adrenaline of the race - though why that would affect a clone I had just jumped to, I cannot fathom - but I slipped into the first fast ship I had. That was foolish, as I had not fitted it for racing at all, and when I reached Auga for the same thing to happen again! Well, I am still frustrated at myself for such a wasteful ship. I am glad I was not on a time-trial, for I lost so much time in properly configuring yet another ship for speed that I would have lost any advantage I may have had. I was most determined to finish, and finish I did. How exhilarating. I rather look forward to trying the Eastern Route next, now I have qualified for it.
I may have do deal with a small matter in Nakri here first, however. Nauplius has incited a small disturbance, using labourers to cause damage to one of our new Gagana properties. Agent provocateurs, no doubt, which is, I admit, rather ironic for our family. Easily dealt with, of course. I am sure Security Chief Sokolov is but moments away from arresting and interrogating the perpetrators.